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March 23 2020
Farmers literally fed the Allied forces and the world’s war-ravaged citizens during World War II
March 13 2020
Concerns surrounding coronavirus are impacting people across the United States and around the world. As I write this blog, events are being canceled and travel is highly discouraged — all in an attempt...
March 10 2020
Sometimes it feels like every headline I see is so far-fetched and irrelevant to my daily life that I wonder if I’m the weird one
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March 9 2020
Tell your story. Tell your story. Tell your story. This is the mantra that probably every farmer and agriculturalist has heard seemingly non-stop over the last few years as social media continues to explode
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Feb. 24 2020
Urbanization is a tricky subject. It affects each state, region, county, and town differently, and there are certainly benefits to expanding our communities
Feb. 21 2020
I absolutely love my school and wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I want to bring up a topic that sometimes gets swept under the rug. Personally, I have many friends and peers at home, in my family,...
Feb. 17 2020
Michael Steele, University of Guelph, presented “Nutritional regulation of gut function in calves: colostrum and milk.” He shared the details about rearing newborn calves, and why those processes...
Branding Blog
Feb. 14 2020
Most farmers are passionate about their animals and the food they produce. Some farms turn that passion into a business, selling products directly to consumers. To stand out among the crowd, it
Feb. 11 2020
Last year, I read a post from Jennifer (@albertafarmlife) on Twitter that made me laugh. It said, “I love the ‘farmhouse’ décor trend. I do. It’s cute. But who do they think...
Feb. 10 2020
Ten years ago, or even just five, it’s likely safe to guess that not many people thought about food on the cellular level. If they did, it was probably not about using cells to create entirely new...
Jan. 27 2020
We have all seen the local foods movement continue to expand. Customers looking for foods produced in their region have even been paying more to know where that food was grown
Jan. 24 2020
Around the country, many young women dream of attaining a crown, preferably while advocating for an industry they’re passionate about
Jan. 14 2020
This time of year can seem rather melancholy, especially if you live in a state that experiences winter conditions
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Jan. 13 2020
How long have we heard that fluid milk must innovate in order to combat declining consumption? With such a dynamic marketplace, it seems that simple white milk is sometimes lost in the shuffle
Dec. 13 2019
I grew up absolutely living for contests such as Dairy Bowl, dairy judging, management contests, showing, and so much more
Dec. 3 2019
I was fortunate to have my sister, Megan Carey, spend her Thanksgiving holiday with us in St. Louis. We grew up on our parents’ dairy farm in Florida, and both stayed in the dairy industry albeit...
Gift blog pic
Nov. 22 2019
Yes, I know it’s not quite Thanksgiving yet, and some purists may believe that it’s too early to be thinking about Santa and stockings, but I disagree
Nov. 19 2019
University of Minnesota senior Emily Annexstad and her sophomore brother Matthias topped the collegiate and 4-H contests, respectively, held at the North American International Livestock Exposition in...
Spencer Co FFA
Nov. 19 2019
“A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or institution.” That is the definition of juggernaut, and Spencer County FFA in Kentucky has certainly earned the description after claiming their...
Nov. 18 2019
“Looking at the big picture . . . excessive rainfall had a huge impact on both hay crops and corn silages this year,” said Mike Rankin